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Showing all 14 results
Winston Churchill “Yalta Tea Party” Character Jug
Sir Winston Churchill Toby Jug “Churchill Standing”
Winston Churchill “Yalta” Character Jug
Naval Churchill Toby Jug
General Eisenhower
Churchill Bust
H.R.H. Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother Character Jug
A Gift at Christmas – Coalport Figurine
The Life and Times of Winston Churchill Series – Bairstow Manor Collectables
Winston Churchill “Yalta Tea Party” Teapot – Bairstow Manor Collectables
Queen Elizabeth 80th Loving Cup – Royal Doulton Commemorative
Bairstow Manor Winston Churchill Life and Times Character Jug
Kevin Francis Winston Churchill 50 Anniversary VE Day Toby Jug
Bairstow Manor Winston Churchill Knight of the Garter Figure