In celebration of Her Majesty The Queen’s 90th birthday on 21st April 2016, Halcyon Days has created this stunning commemorative range of enamels and English fine bone china.
This beautiful, gold mounted musical box features an intricate gold trellis design against a pistachio green base. The base has been decorated with flowers and symbols representing the four countries of the United Kingdom while the lid features centrally Her Majesty’s cypher framed by a golden wreath and golden leaves.
Once opened, this exquisite objet d’art not only plays the British national anthem, ‘God Save the Queen’ but reveals a inscription citing the music and the reason for the commemorative, ‘In celebration of the 90th birthday of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, 21st April 2016’.
A spectacular commemoration of this most glorious milestone, this piece itself will be passed on for generations.
Each enamel box has been lovingly handcrafted by a team of highly skilled artisans. The process, which has been handed down through generations, requires painstaking accuracy, patience and dedication.
It begins as a simple copper mould before being cleaned and coated with a thin layer of enamel. It then enters a kiln at 800C for 7-8 minutes. This process is repeated no less than five times to ensure that the finish is hard, glossy and flawless in preparation for the painting and decoration.
All artists paint the design by hand, using special enamel paints which can take days depending on the complexity of each design. The enamel is then fired a final time before it is checked, assembled and beautifully packaged.