Royal Doulton’s extensive seriesware patterns offer huge scope for collectors, although many manage to keep to a collecting theme such as miniatures or one particular pattern. Once again the sheer scope is something that was particular to Doulton and they successfully engaged with collectors who liked to follow themes. At the end of the 19th century, Charles Noke’s rich imagination was busy at work creating ideas for the launch of Royal Doulton’s new Seriesware range. The basic premise of Seriesware was to produce pieces which were not only decorative and beautiful, but also served a practical purpose, such as tea kettles, dishes and vases. Characters from literature, history, folklore and music were the inspiration for many of the new patterns. Sports and leisurely activities such as golfing and hunting were also illustrated. Perennially popular designs feature Dickens characters, Shakespearian characters, national and regional themes such as Dutch Harlem and Gaffers and also characters from legend. The Under the Greenwood series featuring the legendary Robin Hood and his band of merry men is one such popular pattern, originally introduced in 1914. With nearly 20 scenes to collect and an infinite number of shapes to find this design on and with even today new discoveries being made, its popularity is easily understandable.