Royal Doulton Art Director, Charles Noke, had a real affection for dogs and many of the early models in the HN series are likely to be his work. In 1931, Frederick Daws was commissioned to produce models of champion breeds. A sculptor of international repute, Daws visited kennels to sketch and sculpt the dogs from life, and the final models were submitted to the owners for approval before production began.

Character dogs were introduced in 1934 with many of these humorous models remaining in production until 1985. Also dating from the 1930’s is a charming series of miniature dogs. Given the prefix “K,” most of these dogs remained in production until 1977.

Old English Sheepdog DA100 - Royal Doulton Dogs
Character Dog Yawning Prototype - Royal Doulton Dog
Collie Large HN1057 - Royal Doulton Dogs
Cocker Spaniel HN1028 - Royal Doulton Dogs
Character Dog HN1103 - Royal Doulton Dogs
Bulldogs Seated 3384 - Beswick Animals
Beagle Puppy HN831 on Base - Royal Doulton Dogs